Feb 2024

Ep 31: Adam Kruer - From solo mower to leading operations & sales at Lamb’s Lawn

Lamb’s Lawn & Landscaping, headquartered in Floyd’s Knobs, Indiana, is a premier lawn care and landscaping company serving Southern Indiana and the Louisville area. Known for its comprehensive range of services, the company prides itself on its reputation for reliability and quality, built over 28 years of operation. Under the leadership of Adam Kruer, Director of Operations and Sales, Lamb’s Lawn aims to maintain the personal touch and high standards of a small-town business while pursuing growth and expansion. They are also at the forefront of adopting technology to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

About the Business


“Seeing my guys come together...whenever it got to the point that I knew Javier was going to call Gabriel whenever he got done with his yards and see what he had left and what he could help them with. And seeing them do that, that was really awesome.... they’re all part of the same team, same company name and the same owner’s name on their check that they got every week, it was part of a bigger purpose than themselves.”

Adam Kruer’s transition from running his own landscaping business “Up and Adam,” to joining RJ Lamb’s team due to a desire for teamwork and to contribute to something bigger. Lamb’s Lawn embracing new technology, such as CompanyCam and Topline Pro, to improve operation efficiency, job site accountability, and propel digital marketing. The company focus on maintaining a family-like company culture and is driven by core values like adaptability, motivation, and loyalty. Adam’s perspective on the future of the landscaping industry, including its growth potential, the increasing respectability of landscaping as a career, and Lamb’s Lawn’s strategic goal to expand while maintaining a personal, family-oriented business culture.


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